01 March 2021


General Information — ข้อมูลทั่วไป

Main Website of / Haupt-Webseite von
Home … contains numerous links to additional information about Baan Sammi. — … enthält zahl­reiche Links zu zusätz­lichen Infor­matio­nen über Baan Sammi.

Bambusetum Baan Sammi is a non-commercial enterprise. It has been closed to the public since 1 March 2022. Visits are still possible, but only by appointment with an exact date and an exact or approximate time. Visitors are still offered to harvest bamboo culms themselves, receive pre-cut bamboo poles, dig out bamboo plants grown in the garden, or receive potted bamboo plants, all free of charge. No sale, shipping, or delivery is offered.

All these free-of-charge bamboo offers are first posted on the instantly updated blog BAMBOO AVAILABLE FOR FREE (ไม้ไผ่ให้ฟรี)
To track updates, please click on the Follow gadget (on the right column of this blog in the PC Web view, not on Android devices), or use a website monitoring tool or extension, e.g., Distill.
Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill any request to be notified of updates individually.

A few days after bamboo offers had been posted on the blog, they will be offered on Facebook Marketplace and in some 40 Chiang Mai Facebook groups. In addition, they may be posted on Khun Sam's and Khun Dieter's Facebook pages.

Purchasing bamboo plants / Kauf von Bambuspflanzen
Please consider that bamboo plants need to be prepared for domestic trans­portation or inter­national shipment. For the latter, a phytosanitary certificate is required for almost all countries, and each country has specific import and export regulations.
In Chiang Mai, bamboo plants can be best bought from the following sources:

Useful Bamboo / Nützliche Bambusarten

When is the right time to plant bamboo? / Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, Bambus zu pflanzen?
The BEST time to plant bamboo is about a few weeks or months before the initiation of developing new bamboo shoots (new culms) above the ground. Bamboo shooting initiation depends mainly on the species to which the bamboo plant belongs (which means knowing the name of the species, or at least the genus, is most helpful). Most bamboo species from temperate and tropical climates start shooting between March and October. However, planting bamboo can be done successfully almost all year round, but this largely depends on climate and season, the plant's condition (e.g. whether potted or just dug up), maintenance, and especially protection from temporary unfavorable conditions (e.g. too much or not enough moisture content of the soil and air, too much sun exposure, root competition, weed overgrowth).

Horticultural Stuff / Gärtnerisches Zubehör

Preservation of bamboo / Konservierung von Bambus

Bamboos of Thailand – on the Internet
The latest online version of the monograph THE BAMBOOS OF THAILAND will be available free of charge or for a donation of 195 Baht since November 2024. More details here: